Monday, May 24, 2010

PFA Voting Results

Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to pass on the good news. The PFA voted in Kim Glinski for Treasurer And Amy Tucker as Vice President. We will now have a full PFA Presidency to begin our new year at the Academy. Thank You Kim and Amy for stepping up to join.
We also approved $6,000 to be given to the Academy for their "Save our Academy" fundraiser. A check will be given to the Academy later this week. A big Thank You goes out to each of you who voted to support our Academy.
Thank You,
PFA Presidency

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Agenda for Meeting

NCA Parent Faculty Association

Meeting Agenda

May 20th, 2010 7p.m.

Location: NCA rm.8A 1701 Smith Ave, Nampa ID 83607

Welcome & Thank You’s-Christine Plummer

President Report- Christine Plummer

New Business:

* Vote Treasurer Job Description-Julie Gilster

* Vote Tucker as Vice President- JoLynn Morriss

* Vote Kim Gilinski as Treasurer- JoLynn Morriss

Discuss who will be authorized on the bank account-Christine Plummer

* Discuss and vote excess funds to be given to NCA for “Save the Academy”

Discuss how parents can help with “Save the Academy-Isaac Moffett

* Items requiring votes, in order to vote on items one must be a member of the PFA.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Emergency PFA Meeting This Thursday

Dear PFA Members,

Due to the nature of recent events the PFA Presidency would like to have an emergency PFA meeting this Thursday (May 20th) at 7pm at the Academy in room 8a. This will replace the meeting that was scheduled for next week. At this meeting we will be voting on using PFA funds to help provide money to the Academy for the recent financial crisis. Due to our bylaws we are required to have a vote on any funds over $500 that is given. The budget has been reviewed and we feel that we are prepared to give money towards this fund-raising event.

At this meeting we will also be voting on two candidates for Presidency positions. Amy Tucker (Vice President) and Kimberly Glinski (Treasurer) have both been nominated by the nomination committee. Both of these position remain vacant for the 2010-2011 school year and need to be filled. We Thank both of these ladies for stepping up to help and both bring a great deal of experience.

Also some parents have asked if we could help with promoting some more ideas of raising money. We would like to give parents an opportunity at this meeting to collaborate and come up with some plans.

Please try your very best to attend the meeting. Thank You so much for all your help!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Google Group Policy Reminder

Dear NCA PFA Family,

The PFA Presidency wanted to remind everyone of our Google Group policy. Please see below. If you feel there is something you want addressed that does not follow this policy please e-mail the PFA Representative, Erin Taylor directly at We appreciate each of you and know we have the best parents/faculty around.

Thank You,

PFA Presidency

(Nov.5, 2009)

At this time, the PFA Presidency has decided to set up some firm ground rules for posting to the Google group.

1. Our PFA Mission Statement and Vision will be strictly upheld. See here for a description. All messages must comply with our core values in order to be posted. The main focus we will use in allowing posts to go through will be, “do they encourage positive collaboration among parents, faculty, and the NCA board?” and do they adhere to the Greater Things in Life?

2. No negative posts, or posts that take a negative slant, will be allowed.

3. Comments that may stir confusion, heated debate, or spread gossip will not be allowed.

4. Posts naming children, or reference children in a personal way will not be allowed. This is for internet safety. Speaking generally about one’s own child/ren is fine.

5. No rude, obscene, inappropriate, or slanderous comments will be allowed (and subject to removal of the author).

6. Posts that do not meet our criterion will be deleted. No notification will be sent to the author. If your post does not post to the group within 48 hours, you will know it was not allowed. You are free to re-write the post, and resend it. Since all of us in the Presidency work full-time, we do not have time to email every individual who posts with specific changes that need to be made. It is each member of the Google group’s responsibility when using this avenue of communication to comply with the posting rules of the group. Feel free to email us for clarification, or re-write the post after re-reading our PFA mission statement.

7. All 5 presidency members will moderate. If you feel your post was denied unjustly, you may take your concern to the Parent Representative. Please address your concern to Attn: Parent Rep. The Parent Rep will work with you to resolve the issue.

The PFA Presidency’s hope for this group is to bring parents, faculty, and the NCA board together.

Remember these two simple rules;

1. The difference between gossip and problem solving is, with problem solving you go to someone who can actually help you solve the problem. Otherwise it’s just gossip. Headmaster Bush has reminded us of this valuable lesson.

2. Don’t come to others with a problem unless you come with a possible solution and a willingness to help solve the problem.

Link where this is found:

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?