Wednesday, May 20, 2009

April PFA Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes

April 2, 2009    

Meeting began at 7:02pm 

Welcome and introductions were made by Amber Gunnell (President), along with conducting the meeting. 

Presidency Reports 

Last month’s meeting minutes were read by Andrea Egan (Secretary)   

A treasurer’s report was given by Mishawn Merrill (Treasurer).  She reported talking with an accountant in helping set up our tax id number, and will ask the NCA Board for a loan of start up money.  A letter will be submitted by the next board meeting. 

A vice president’s report was given by Holle McRae (Vice President).   The PFA will be organizing the uniform fund, and structure of the uniform scholarship.  Ideas consisted of accountability in receiving money from this fund, the need for volunteers, and a goal needed for this fund.  Receipt of scholarships will be coordinated through TS Embroidery.              

PFA Council Reports 

Erin Taylor reported our art program name, “Kaleidoscope.”  The poll conducted on the PFA blog showed results of 75 votes, with 50 in favor of the name. 

Sarah Edwards reported on the Idaho Press Tribune fundraising opportunity.  Our PFA can receive a portion of the proceeds of each subscription.  She also reported the rummage sale in June will be for the uniform fund. 

Carolina McArthur reported on the need for parents to show their commitment to the Academy through volunteering.  She reported on her efforts to organize with the NCA faculty on the volunteer needs. 


A presentation was then given by the Promethean Company and Audio Enhancement.  This presentation was for the NCA Board and PFA membership to be educated on the opportunity of including these products in our Academy (budget permitting).  If our Academy deems these products appropriate for purchase, efforts by the PFA membership would be encouraged (through PFA affirmative vote). 

A presentation was then given by Kym Slater (Board Director) on the NCA Uniform Policy.  Highlights included, the purpose for the uniforms, common sense and respect will be used in determining violations, all final decisions on violations will be made by the Headmaster, all children need one burgundy polo for field trips, blazers, sweaters and polos need to be embroidered, children in 3rd grade and under may wear white athletic shoes all day on PE days.  A question and answer period followed.  All other follow up questions regarding uniforms were directed to Kym Slater. 

Terri from TS Embroidery brought uniform samples to the meeting, and was available for questions and appointment set up.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?