Friday, May 29, 2009

Email from our Chairman

If you are not receiving this and these types of emails you need to contact the Academy to correct your email.

As of today we have 545 students registered for classes next year! We are waiting for 6 students to register for open seats which means we have 9 seats that are still open. There are 4 seats left in 7th grade and 5 seats left in 8th grade. There is no waiting list for the 7th and 8th grade classes so if you know of someone who will be in those grades be sure to let them know.
If your child's name is on the waiting list you will not be contacted about registration until a seat is open and your child is next on the list.
To see the waiting list CLICK HERE


We remain on schedule. We will be sure to let everyone know once we have the ground breaking ceremony planned. Remember the portables are already built. There is some ground work that will be done to prepare the site and then they will be moved in. We have a construction crew that will be ready to go to work to finish everything, install the siding, build the ramps, pour the sidewalks, and put in the grass.

What is Happening?

For those of you who are patiently or impatiently waiting for your child to start in August it may seem like nothing at all is being done to get the academy open. It is impossible to share the many items that happen every single day or discuss every single meeting that happens. We do have a check list that we need to complete to be ready to open. We are on track if not ahead of where we need to be with that list. We are ordering books. We are evaluating furniture. We are in the process of hiring teachers and other staff members. Right now most of the work is signing contracts, establishing policies, setting budgets, and buying materials. Most of the physical labor won't happen until July or early August. Trust me when it comes time to move in 560 desks and over 10,000 books we will be looking for help.

Bus Routes

We are finalizing details with the bus company to set our routes. You can click here to see if you are within our district boundaries. Kindergarten students will be able to ride our normal bus routes. We will not be providing a mid-day bus route for Kindergarten students. What that means is that if your child is in the morning class they can ride the bus to the academy but you will have to provide transportation from the academy and if your child is in the afternoon class you will have to provide transportation to the academy but they can ride the bus home. If your child is outside the district they might be able to ride if the bus is not full and you take them to a designated bus stop within the district.
The bus stops will be based on advice from Brown Bus and many will probably be at existing bus stops they have already established. The bus stops will be determined to achieve the most effective and efficient routes possible while keeping the walking distance for your child as short as possible.

How do Charter Schools get their money?

The primary source of funding for a charter school is the student. The basis of the complex formulas used for charter school funding all are based on one thing. The attendance of your child. Every formula begins with the average attendance we have as an academy. It is for this reason that every charter school is very adamant about your child not missing school. If too many children miss school at the wrong time it will severly reduce the funding we receive.
Based on the number of children in attendance we are given an allotment of teacher positions and administration positions that the state will pay for based on the state pay scale that is used. The state pay scale factors in experience and education credits to determine the reimbursable wage for each teacher.
Our transportation funding is based on another set of formulas but primarily depends on how many students ride the bus. The important thing to know about our transportation funding is that it was adjusted this year as a part of the state wide cuts. During this school year we will only receive 60% of what we spend on transportation.
A part of what makes our budget somewhat difficult is that every expense that is not reimbursable (teachers, administration, 60% transportation, and other small items) must come out of what we receive for the students. We must cover the cost of our building, sports programs, supplies, equipment, and many other items out of this limited amount we receive.
Charter schools do not have the ability to levy and tax the local district to cover the cost of a building. A traditional public school receives very similar funding based on student numbers but they also have the ability to levy and raise property taxes to build facilities and cover other shortages. A charter school has no choice but to spend within its budget and be very creative and frugal.
It is for this reason that we won't be able to provide certain resources without parental help. I am also looking for potential benefactors who might contribute to our academy. If you know someone who might want to help or a group of people who might be able to help us please let me know. I am more then willing to talk to groups or individuals about the benefits our academy has to offer our community and our nation.
Kyle Borger
NCA Board of Directors
208-466-NCA1 (Academy Office)

PFA Meeting Last Night

We had another GREAT meeting last night. Our committee leaders talked with us about the Rummage Sale, fun summer activities, and SPORTS!  We had some great info about sports, and definitely need people to let us know what they are willing to help with so we can get our sports program started. (minutes will be posted next week)

The highlight was definitely the Q&A session with Headmaster Bush and Chairman Borger. Headmaster Bush took some time to introduce himself and the different things that are going on with the Academy. We got updates on busing, uniforms, teachers, the uniform scholarship, and more. Chairman Borger updated us on portables, and the building. It's all very exciting! He reminded us about the importance of keeping positive and being supportive of all that is going on. So much work is being done, and the best thing we can do as parents is support the process in making it happen. There is a bigger purpose for all the little details happening right now. Keeping our focus on our charter, and supporting what is in place will help our Academy be successful. (Susan's presentation also reflected these sentiments.)

As a PFA we have tried very hard to make these oppurtunities to visit with, and ask questions of our faculty and board members. Our attendance last night was lower than the previous 2 months. Although it was still fantastic, all the wonderful things that were shared with us only fell on a small portion of parent's ears. We aren't able to provide word for word recounts of what was said, and we do our best with minutes and reports, but it's important that people attend if they are really needing questions answered. If you are ever unable to attend please ask for your question to be put on the agenda so it can be "officially" addressed and included in our minutes. We are happy to help, so please keep in touch.

This meeting was also dedicated to those needing or wanting answers to uniform questions. There were very few questions asked about uniforms compared to all we talked about. That gives us the impression people are now satisfied, and feel comfortable with the policy. We are now going to focus on all the other things we have going on, and leave uniform questions to the board. Please direct any other questions to Kym Slater We also have included helpful links on our website.

We have SO much on the horizon. Summer will be slower regarding PFA (don't miss the Rummage Sale and those fun get-togethers), but as soon as August hits there will be a flurry of activitiy. September will be the big PFA kick off when we vote on our budget and a whole host of things. So, keep your eye out for more emails as we move along!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rummage Sale Info (updates)

Hello There Everyone,

I will be helping out with the organization of our rummage sale for Sarah.  We still have room for more Individual Yard Sales and General Rummage Sales items.  Please see below for details.  If you are not able to actually summit items for the sale but have some time that day to help we could use your assistance even if it's only for a few hours.

PFA Rummage Sale! 

What-   A general rummage sale and individual yard sales to benefit the uniform fund,

           and give parents an opportunity to sell items for their own children’s uniforms.

           (More explanation on this below) 

When-   Saturday, June 6th, from 8:00- 3:00. (7am set up and drop off time)

Where-  Karcher Church of the Nazarene on the corner of Middleton and Karcher Rd. 

Individual Yard Sales-  This will be for anyone interested in conducting their own yard sale to earn money for their children’s uniforms.  You can sell traditional yard sale items, cookies, lemonade, gift baskets, crafts, ect.  Be creative!  The goal of this is to provide parents with an opportunity to be self sufficient in paying for their children’s uniforms.    There will be restrooms available in the church’s picnic pavilion.  Everyone will have a designated area that will probably be determined by drawing numbers.  The PFA will in exchange ask that you donate 10% of your profit, or some nice items to the general sale, to benefit the uniform scholarship fund.  You will be responsible for running your yard sale, and bringing any chairs or tables you may need.  You can reserve your spot by calling Christine Plummer at 208-337-2031 or e-mail  Please include your name, contact information, and a general idea of what you will be selling. 

General Rummage Sale-  This will be a sale of donated items, run by volunteers, to raise money for the uniform scholarship fund.  If you don’t plan on participating in the individual sales, you may drop off your donated items at the Karcher Church of the Nazarene on the day of the Rummage Sale at 7pm.  For any questions you can speak with Christine Plummer at 208-337-2031 or e-mail at  Please include your name and contact information.

Please make sure all items you bring for the general sale is priced.

Thank You,

Christine Plummer

P.S.  I will be out of town until Monday evening.  When I return I will be able to respond to each of the e-mails.

Rummage Sale HELP!

Our fundraising committee coordinator has had a family emergency come up and will be unable to do the Rummage Sale. Holle (our VP) is helping with this, but we are in dire need of somone willing to help. Please let us know via email or at the meeting tonight. Thank you!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Meeting Tomorrow

Yep, it's that time again! Our May PFA meeting is tomorrow at Pioneer Title near the library. The Council will meet at 6pm and the general membership will meet at 7pm. We hope to see you there! Please see the blog for for an outline of the meeting.

uniform clarification

Please see the Chairman's site for more clarifaction on the uniform policy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 28th Meeting Info

Andrea posted our agenda for our May 28th meeting.  Let me also add some information.

Our Q&A session is for all those who still have questions or concerns about the uniform policy.  As a PFA we are continually dedicated to helping parents get their questions answered.  We are offering this Q&A session so people can address their questions directly to the people who can answer them.  We are also hoping this puts this topic to rest, and we can focus on raising money for the uniform fund, and all the other fun things we have planned this coming school year. 

If you would like to address the Headmaster or Chairman directly (have specific questions) you need to email Andrea at to be put on the agenda.  If you choose not to put yourself on the agenda, there may not be time for your questions.  We will be working from our agenda first, and then if there are extra questions we'll open it up to everyone in attendance. 

We hope this format will give all those who have specific questions will get those answered.  Let us know if you have questions.

Amber Gunnell
President, Parent Faculty Association
Nampa Classical Academy

May PFA Meeting Agenda

NCA Parent Faculty Association

Meeting Agenda

May 28, 2009 at 7pm

Location: Pioneer Title (next to Nampa Library)

Welcome & Thank You’s

Presidency Reports:

Secretary (Reading of Minutes)

Treasurer (Budget Report) Status of State Filing

PFA Council Reports:

Fundraising Committee: Rummage Sale info, other fundraising options by Sarah Edwards

Social Events Committee: Summer events by Pam Kruck

Volunteer Committee: Assessment Testing report by Carolina McArthur

Sports and Health Committee: Club teams, NFL Flag by Jeff Gunnell

Old Business: NONE

New Business:

1. $415 in Academy Uniform Fund, ideas to increase and promote fundraising

2. Susan Beard (ad-hoc board member, request for a commitment contract for the Faculty)

Q & A: Uniform Discussion with Chairman Borger & Headmaster Bush

*Items requiring votes

April PFA Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes

April 2, 2009    

Meeting began at 7:02pm 

Welcome and introductions were made by Amber Gunnell (President), along with conducting the meeting. 

Presidency Reports 

Last month’s meeting minutes were read by Andrea Egan (Secretary)   

A treasurer’s report was given by Mishawn Merrill (Treasurer).  She reported talking with an accountant in helping set up our tax id number, and will ask the NCA Board for a loan of start up money.  A letter will be submitted by the next board meeting. 

A vice president’s report was given by Holle McRae (Vice President).   The PFA will be organizing the uniform fund, and structure of the uniform scholarship.  Ideas consisted of accountability in receiving money from this fund, the need for volunteers, and a goal needed for this fund.  Receipt of scholarships will be coordinated through TS Embroidery.              

PFA Council Reports 

Erin Taylor reported our art program name, “Kaleidoscope.”  The poll conducted on the PFA blog showed results of 75 votes, with 50 in favor of the name. 

Sarah Edwards reported on the Idaho Press Tribune fundraising opportunity.  Our PFA can receive a portion of the proceeds of each subscription.  She also reported the rummage sale in June will be for the uniform fund. 

Carolina McArthur reported on the need for parents to show their commitment to the Academy through volunteering.  She reported on her efforts to organize with the NCA faculty on the volunteer needs. 


A presentation was then given by the Promethean Company and Audio Enhancement.  This presentation was for the NCA Board and PFA membership to be educated on the opportunity of including these products in our Academy (budget permitting).  If our Academy deems these products appropriate for purchase, efforts by the PFA membership would be encouraged (through PFA affirmative vote). 

A presentation was then given by Kym Slater (Board Director) on the NCA Uniform Policy.  Highlights included, the purpose for the uniforms, common sense and respect will be used in determining violations, all final decisions on violations will be made by the Headmaster, all children need one burgundy polo for field trips, blazers, sweaters and polos need to be embroidered, children in 3rd grade and under may wear white athletic shoes all day on PE days.  A question and answer period followed.  All other follow up questions regarding uniforms were directed to Kym Slater. 

Terri from TS Embroidery brought uniform samples to the meeting, and was available for questions and appointment set up.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm

Sunday, May 17, 2009

ICSN Conference Info

Here is the flyer for the Idaho Charter School Network Conference

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Teacher's Aide Application Info

From Mr. Moffett -
There is no app on line.  I need all parents who are interested in working FT or PT as an EA to email me their cover letter and resume to me directly.  Additionally, they should be in the process to getting their para pro lic from the SDE.  They should not wait to see if they get hired.  They can find the info on the para pro test at

Rummage Sale Update!

June 6th Rummage Sale Update! 

23 days left! We have a wonderful location for our sale at the 
Karcher Church of the Nazarene. There is lots of traffic (potential 
customers!), and plenty of parking. We will be setting up in the 
grass, so feel free to bring your beach umbrellas, or canopies for 
shade! We will also be right by the church's playground, that is 
surrounded by a short fence, so your children will have a fun day 
too! We couldn't ask for a better location! 

Remember, get creative! If you don't have enough items to do a yard 
sale on your own, find other parents through the google groups and 
partner up! Sell iced tea, or lemonade! If you have a home based 
business, bring it along! (sorry, Scentsy is taken!) Ask friends and 
family if they could donate any unused items lying around the house. 

If you are not holding your own yard sale, please volunteer and/or 
donate items to the PFA General Sale. (Financial contributions are 
also welcome for the uniform fund!) 

I'm looking forward to everyone pulling together to make this Rummage 
Sale a huge success! 

Please contact Sarah Edwards to donate, volunteer, or reserve a spot 
for an individual yard sale. 

Sarah Edwards 
NCA PFA Fundraising Coordinator 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Aide Positions

From Headmaster Bush - If you are interested in becoming a teacher's aide, please keep your eye on the NCA website. Hiring for this will take place shortly. (You may use the teacher application. Answer according to your position). For more information please contact the Academy.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Idaho Charter School Conference

From Mr. Moffett - 

: Idaho Charter School Conference

Dear Principals,
Please print this brochure or forward to  your board, business manager, teachers and PTA. Special workshops are planned for parents, teachers, school leaders and school developers. Board training opportunity also  available. PLease be sure to have your board members register online as well as the board registration form for the group! Thank you!
Online registration site:

Diane Demarest, M.Ed.
Executive Director
Idaho Charter School Network
Boise State University

Items to Save

After our meeting with Headmaster Bush, he reminded of us of a few things we can save and donate to the Academy this summer.  These are things we may have extra of, especially with the new digital conversion.

  • TV's (need to be at least 35')
  • DVD's & VCR's (combos are best)
  • Microwaves
  • Projectors
  • Musical Instruments
  • Science Lab Equipment
  • Computers (internet capable)

Keep in mind these items will have to be checked out by the Academy to make sure they fit within the minimum requirements before they are able to accept them.  If you have any items you are willing to donate, please let us know. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Labor Day Poll

Please enter your opinion on Labor Day vacationing.  The board & Mr. Moffett would like parent opinions, so they can make the final decisions on the Academy calendar.  Please see the blog for the poll.

Thank you!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rummage Sale

PFA Rummage Sale! 

What-   A general rummage sale and individual yard sales to benefit the uniform fund,

           and give parents an opportunity to sell items for their own children’s uniforms.

           (More explanation on this below) 

When-   Saturday, June 6th, from 8:00- 3:00. 

Where-  Karcher Church of the Nazarene on the corner of Middleton and Karcher Rd. 

Individual Yard Sales-  This will be for anyone interested in conducting their own yard sale to earn money for their children’s uniforms.  You can sell traditional yard sale items, cookies, lemonade, gift baskets, crafts, ect.  Be creative!  The goal of this is to provide parents with an opportunity to be self sufficient in paying for their children’s uniforms.    There will be restrooms available in the church’s picnic pavilion.  Everyone will have a designated area that will probably be determined by drawing numbers.  The PFA will in exchange ask that you donate 10% of your profit, or some nice items to the general sale, to benefit the uniform scholarship fund.  You will be responsible for running your yard sale, and bringing any chairs or tables you may need.  You can reserve your spot by calling Sarah Edwards at 409-8352, or by email to  Please include your name, contact information, and a general idea of what you will be selling. 

General Rummage Sale-  This will be a sale of donated items, run by volunteers, to raise money for the uniform scholarship fund.  If you don’t plan on participating in the individual sales, you may drop off your donated items at 622 E Trail Creek Dr. in Nampa.    Cross streets are Greenhurst and Sunnyridge.  Please call Sarah at 409-8352 to schedule your drop.  (If you don’t have anything to donate, we encourage you to consider donating straight to the Uniform Fund) 

Volunteers needed for-      

Transporting items to church                      app. 7:00-8:00 am

Transporting items to Goodwill                 app. 3:00-4:00 pm

Set up and pricing                                       app. 7:00-8:00 am

Clean up and take down                             app.  3:00-4:00 pm

Cashier table                                               app. 7:00-11:30 am


                                                                 11:30-4:00 pm 

Additional volunteers also needed for straightening sale items and misc. help where called for. 

Please contact me to volunteer or with any questions you may have!

Sarah Edwards


Look forward to seeing everyone there!            

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?