Tuesday, October 27, 2009


There is NO PFA meeting this Thursday. See this post for details. Our next meeting will be November 19th.

Thanks everyone!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

$176 from Scratch for Schools

We won $176 from Idaho Lottery's Scratch for Schools Event on Thursday!

Julie, Holle, JoLynn and Amber went to the event this past Thursday and scratched 300 lotto tickets. The Idaho Lottery invites a certain amount of schools each year to scratch tickets and keep whatever the amount is on the ticket. This year everyone who entered the event was chosen.

We didn't win the big bucks, and only made it through the first round of scratching, but $176 isn't bad!

Here are some pictures of the event.

Amber holding our $30 winner!

JoLynn and Julie scratching their little hearts out in the first round.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Teacher Meals

As a staff member I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped provide the meals for tonight's conferences. Pam and Tim Kruck are so awesome for all their hard work. I heard all night how grateful teacher's and staff were. A plate of food can do wonders.

Thanks again everyone!


PFA Meeting Cancelled

Dear PFA members, parents and faculty,

Due to having parent teacher conferences, our big fundraiser, filling t-shirt orders, and illness in the PFA Presidency, we have been unable to work on our budget and by-laws. For this reason we will be cancelling the PFA meeting on October 29th, 2009. However, due to Thanksgiving we had planned to have the PFA meeting for November 19th (earlier than our normal schedule). This will give us time to complete work on these items and have extra time to coordinate with our committee leaders on our upcoming winter festivities.

If you have anything that you would like to add to the agenda please email me at jmkinurse@hotmail.com. I need approximately how much time you will need and what you would like to discuss. Committee leaders - please have your reports in by Nov. 12th. Also, don't forget your uniforms to swap! We also provide childcare (just bring a few dollars to donate to our babysitters).

JoLynn Morriss
EA 3rd Grade
Secretary-NCA Parent Faculty Association
Sponsor NCA shooting team

Boise's Best-Totals, Re-Delievery Day, & Pizza Party

Hello Parents and Faculty of NCA,

Our Boise’s Best Fundraiser was a great success. We raised almost $6,000 in product sales and about $1690 in donations. Our total profit was around $7690.

Way to go everyone!!

Here are our class totals for who participated:

· (Kinder AM/PM) Wilkins 24

· (Kinder AM) Rainsdon 02

· (1st) Brincks 14

· (1st) Pridgen 11

· (2nd) St. Lawrence 13

· (2nd) K.Reid 23

· (3rd) Blinn 12

· (3rd) Illa 19

· (4th) Beard 21

· (4th) Handyside 08

· (5th) Hunt 16

· (5th) Sandeen 17

· (6th) Dwello 15

· (6th) Cook 11

· (7th-9th) Marvosh 11

· (7th-9th) Tillotson 08

· (7th-9th) Forrest 02

· (7th-9th) Schneiderman 04

· Unknown Teacher 02

· Total who participated 233

Re-delivery Day: We will be having a re-delivery day for those parents that were unable to pick-up their product on Tuesday. Please plan on picking up your product on Thursday, Oct. 29th from 3:15 to 4:00. The pick-up location will be to the left side of the school. Parents or adult representative must be present for pick up.

Participation Prize for donations: There are some children that should receive a participation prize for their donation. Boise’s Best will have the available after school on Oct. 29th from 3:15-4:00 during the re-delivery day or your student can get them on Friday at the Pizza party. If your child is suppose to get a participation prize and is not going to be at the pizza party their prize will be sent to their room.

Pizza Party: Everyone who sold at least 5 items or donated at least $25 dollars will be invited to have pizza on Friday, October 30th. during their lunchtime. Each teacher will be given a list of which students who are attending. Students will meet near the flagpole area to receive their pizza and they will eat their pizza as a group there. AM Kindergartener parents need to pick-up their children from the teacher at the end of their day and take them down to the flagpole. PM Kindergartners need to meet at the flagpole 10 minutes early with their parent. If the weather is bad that day we will have other arrangements in place to insure students can stay dry and warm.

We would like a few parents to come during our Pizza Party to help supervise and make sure that we leave the outside area clean. If you are able to attend from 11:20-12:40ish please e-mail Holle McRae at hollemcrae@yahoo.com.

Thank You for all your support!

Christine Plummer

PFA Vice President


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Good News!

Andrea has been released from the hospital and home resting. She still has a couple more weeks of recovery but doing well.

Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Moderation Poll

Please go to the blog ncapfa.blogspot.com and vote in the poll about the moderation of the google group. Thank you.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Boise's Best-Product Pick Up

Dear Parents,

Your Boise's Best order will be ready for pick-up TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 20th. from 3:45-6:00pm.

Please remember that parents (adult representative) must be present for pick-up. Children will not be allowed to take product home with them on the bus.

We have been given permission for the pick-up area to be on the left side of the Academy. Please do not park in the bus pick-up area (front the Academy) or the parent student pick-up area (right side). You may park along side the sidewalk to the left side of the Academy if there is room. Space is limited so do plan to park on the street and walk in if the fundraiser pick-up area is full. It is important we do our best not to block any traffic. They will have hand trucks (dollies) to help you take product to your cars. Bring plenty of muscles and we will see you all there.:)

Thank You so much for your support!

Christine Plummer
PFA Vice President

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Picture Help!!!!!

Headmaster has asked the PFA to organize parent helpers for tomorrow's picture day.

We are needing 2 volunteers per classroom for approximately 2 1/2 or 5 hours shifts in order for teachers to have their pictures taken with their homerooms. Since many teachers teach multiple classes we have a lot of overlapping. We need parents to help with classrooms for either of these time allotments. Please indicate if you are able to do all 5 hours or half that time. We need many volunteers!

Please email or call Lisa Simpson (our Volunteer Coordinator) if you are able.

Thanks everyone!
PS Don't forget to wear your formal dress uniforms!

Boise's Best-Product Pick Up

Hello Parents,

Thank You so much to all who participated in our Boise's Best Fundraiser and/or donated. We are still working on our final number but it looks like we raised a good amount for our first fundraiser.

Please remember that the Boise's Best product pick-up day is this Tuesday, October 20th from 3:45-6:00pm. Parents must be present for pick-up. Children will not be given product to take home with them on the bus.

For those who qualified for the Pizza Party a note will sent home with your child when we have the finalized the date for that.

Thank You....Thank You....again for your support of NCA!

Christine Plummer
PFA Vice President

Monday, October 12, 2009

From our Music Director

To all NCA parents.

We have finally begun working on our instruments in orchestra in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade, and looking at scales and some music. The challenges increase from here on out for the students and I, and we could really use your help. There are 7 different instruments represented in the orchestra at the moment, which means that, all things being equal, even with 90-minute blocks a perfect class will result in only 13 minutes of instruction for each individual instrument. My students and I want to make more progress that this, so we need your help! If you play or know someone who plays the violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, or any brass instrument, please get in touch or have them get in touch with me. If you could come in one day a month, or one day a week, or every other day, any amount would help us immensely. You would be coaching several students in the instrument you play. While they work on their music, you will help them remember proper posture, embouchure, and other technical details. You would help answer any questions they might have, and I would always be in the room and immediately available to help resolve any questions or issues that you didn’t feel qualified to deal with yourself. Even if you have only a little experience, you could help our beginners immensely! Please consider volunteering your time to help the orchestra be the best it can be. Call or e-mail me today!

Michael Marvosh
Director of Music
Nampa Classical Academy

e-mail: mmarvosh@ncacharter.org
phone: 936-0659

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?