Wednesday, August 5, 2009

*New* Meet & Greet at Nampa Bowl

The car wash has been postponed due to bad weather. We will have one at the end of August or it may be in Sept.
We are still going to keep the Meet & Greet. It will be at Nampa Bowl, on Caldwell Blvd. We are going to keep the same times, so not to mess with any weekend plans. We will be meeting at 10:00 am and parents can pick up at 1:00. I have room for four (4) more kids. Please call or reply with any questions. Again, this is open to 6-9th graders. If smaller children want to attend, a parent or guardian needs to be there with them.
Cost: $1 per game, $1 shoe rental, $1 hot dogs, $1 fries, $1 sodas. We will play 2-3 games depending on time and how many children attend.
Thanks to all that came tonight and made such great signs. See you Friday.

Sabrina Orihuela
Treasure Valley Signs

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?