Sunday, August 30, 2009

Child Care, Voting, Membership Perks

Here a couple things for tomorrow's meeting;

There is a nursery and we have a few teens willing to watch kids. However, we only have a few. If your teen is willing to come and help we'd greatly appreciate it.

That being said, there will be "limited" babysitting. If you have another option for childcare, we'd ask that you use it in hopes to not overrun our few volunteers. But, by all means, bring little ones if means otherwise you'd have to miss the meeting.

Eventually we'll have money to pay babysitters, and have child care at every meeting. Soon, very soon!

All voting, and anything done officially as a PFA will be for members only. If you want to vote in tomorrow's election, or anything else we decide as a PFA, only those who have paid their dues (at the meeting or prior) will be counted. Those people who have paid their dues prior or during tomorrow's meeting, and who are unable to attend, will have the option of voting via email until Wed. No votes after Wed will be counted. This option will be available to all members who are unable to attend our meetings. Your votes count!

We also plan to offer Minutemen t-shirt discounts to PFA members. So, it pays to join! We are also working out other benefits. Ideas are welcome.

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?