Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Today NCA filed a lawsuit in federal court to defend our right to use religious and political documents and texts in the classroom and as a part of our curriculum. It is for this reason that we have limited the communication coming from the board in recent days and weeks. The board and all involved with NCA will have to continue to be silent in this area as we allow our attorneys to defend us both in the courts and in the press. If you wish to show support for our decision you should contact theGovernor, Idaho Attorney General, and other elected officials.

This action will not impact our opening or our operations once open. This lawsuit has been filed in part so that we can operate in a legal manner, just like the rest of the Idaho schools, while this issue is being debated.

September 1, 2009 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Lawsuit filed after Idaho commission
bans all religious texts from curriculum

ADF attorneys sue on behalf of Nampa Classical Academy
after Idaho Public Charter School Commission threatens to revoke its charter

BOISE, Idaho — Alliance Defense Fund attorneys filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the Idaho Public Charter School Commission on behalf of Nampa Classical Academy, which was threatened with the revocation of its charter if it utilizes the Bible or any other religious documents or text as part of its curriculum resources. Despite the fact that numerous public schools throughout the state and country constitutionally allow the objective study of the Bible as an educational resource, the commission will immediately proceed to revoke its charter if the school does not remove the religious text from its curriculum.

Full news release, quotes, and related media resources available at the following link:


Kyle Borger
NCA Board of Directors

See pdf for NCAvG_COMPLAINT_w_signatures_and_exhibits_filestamped.pdf

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PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?