Friday, May 29, 2009

Email from our Chairman

If you are not receiving this and these types of emails you need to contact the Academy to correct your email.

As of today we have 545 students registered for classes next year! We are waiting for 6 students to register for open seats which means we have 9 seats that are still open. There are 4 seats left in 7th grade and 5 seats left in 8th grade. There is no waiting list for the 7th and 8th grade classes so if you know of someone who will be in those grades be sure to let them know.
If your child's name is on the waiting list you will not be contacted about registration until a seat is open and your child is next on the list.
To see the waiting list CLICK HERE


We remain on schedule. We will be sure to let everyone know once we have the ground breaking ceremony planned. Remember the portables are already built. There is some ground work that will be done to prepare the site and then they will be moved in. We have a construction crew that will be ready to go to work to finish everything, install the siding, build the ramps, pour the sidewalks, and put in the grass.

What is Happening?

For those of you who are patiently or impatiently waiting for your child to start in August it may seem like nothing at all is being done to get the academy open. It is impossible to share the many items that happen every single day or discuss every single meeting that happens. We do have a check list that we need to complete to be ready to open. We are on track if not ahead of where we need to be with that list. We are ordering books. We are evaluating furniture. We are in the process of hiring teachers and other staff members. Right now most of the work is signing contracts, establishing policies, setting budgets, and buying materials. Most of the physical labor won't happen until July or early August. Trust me when it comes time to move in 560 desks and over 10,000 books we will be looking for help.

Bus Routes

We are finalizing details with the bus company to set our routes. You can click here to see if you are within our district boundaries. Kindergarten students will be able to ride our normal bus routes. We will not be providing a mid-day bus route for Kindergarten students. What that means is that if your child is in the morning class they can ride the bus to the academy but you will have to provide transportation from the academy and if your child is in the afternoon class you will have to provide transportation to the academy but they can ride the bus home. If your child is outside the district they might be able to ride if the bus is not full and you take them to a designated bus stop within the district.
The bus stops will be based on advice from Brown Bus and many will probably be at existing bus stops they have already established. The bus stops will be determined to achieve the most effective and efficient routes possible while keeping the walking distance for your child as short as possible.

How do Charter Schools get their money?

The primary source of funding for a charter school is the student. The basis of the complex formulas used for charter school funding all are based on one thing. The attendance of your child. Every formula begins with the average attendance we have as an academy. It is for this reason that every charter school is very adamant about your child not missing school. If too many children miss school at the wrong time it will severly reduce the funding we receive.
Based on the number of children in attendance we are given an allotment of teacher positions and administration positions that the state will pay for based on the state pay scale that is used. The state pay scale factors in experience and education credits to determine the reimbursable wage for each teacher.
Our transportation funding is based on another set of formulas but primarily depends on how many students ride the bus. The important thing to know about our transportation funding is that it was adjusted this year as a part of the state wide cuts. During this school year we will only receive 60% of what we spend on transportation.
A part of what makes our budget somewhat difficult is that every expense that is not reimbursable (teachers, administration, 60% transportation, and other small items) must come out of what we receive for the students. We must cover the cost of our building, sports programs, supplies, equipment, and many other items out of this limited amount we receive.
Charter schools do not have the ability to levy and tax the local district to cover the cost of a building. A traditional public school receives very similar funding based on student numbers but they also have the ability to levy and raise property taxes to build facilities and cover other shortages. A charter school has no choice but to spend within its budget and be very creative and frugal.
It is for this reason that we won't be able to provide certain resources without parental help. I am also looking for potential benefactors who might contribute to our academy. If you know someone who might want to help or a group of people who might be able to help us please let me know. I am more then willing to talk to groups or individuals about the benefits our academy has to offer our community and our nation.
Kyle Borger
NCA Board of Directors
208-466-NCA1 (Academy Office)

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?