Monday, September 28, 2009
Boise's Best
Thank you for you continued support of NCA,
Christine Plummer
PFA Vice President
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Dental Awareness
Tuesday - September 29th, 1-4pm
Local Dentist Sponsors “Dental Awareness”
Dr. Hartley is setting aside an afternoon for local children!
We’ll have…..
25 appointments are available to children who qualify
Get your little one familiar with the dentist with this non-profit effort to assist our community. Call today to reserve a spot!
Sabrina Orihuela
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
September Meeting Agenda
NCA Parent Faculty Association
Meeting Agenda
September 24, 2009 7:00pm
Location: United Methodist Church 5420 Southside Blvd. Nampa, ID
(Directions: From 12th Ave heading toward Melba turn left on Greenhurst Rd then turn right on Southside Blvd the church will be on the left side of the street.)
* Please note daycare will be available and donations will be accepted. We want to provide this service at all PFA meetings and if we offer an incentive (money) to students, they will continue to come.
Welcome & Thank You’s-Amber Gunnell
Presidency Reports:
President-Amber Gunnell
Secretary-JoLynn Morriss
Treasurer- Julie Gilster
Fundraisers-Christine Plummer
PFA Council Reports:
Social Committee-Pam Kruck (staff appreciation)
Box Tops/Campbell’s Soup Labels- Michelle Rollins (you may bring them to the meeting if you have been storing them)
Capri Suns- Piper Skoglund
Uniform Swap- ideas and possible swapping/selling (bring your items)
Old Business:
Meet & Greet-Amber Gunnell
New Business:
* Vote on Bylaws, Standing Rules, and 2009-10 Budget -Amber Gunnell
- discussion of voting procedures
Update on States Action-Isaac Moffett
* Items requiring votes, in order to vote on items one must be a member of the PFA.
Monday, September 14, 2009
August Meeting Minutes
NCA Parent Faculty Association
Meeting Minutes
August 31, 2009 7p.m.
Location: United Methodist Church 5420 Southside Blvd. Nampa, ID
Called to order 7:16pm
Welcome & Thank You’s-Amber Gunnell Thank You’s too Jean Andrews and the Music Theater of Idaho for sports equipment donation, Andrea Egan and Mishawn Merrill for their hard work as founders.
Presidency Reports:
VP/Treasurer-Holle McRae
Bank Deposit- Deadline for opening a checking account is October 2nd, NCA will be getting $50 per account that is opened since we do not have our 501-c-3 status yet.
Bank of the West checking account is as follows: deposit of $175 for dues + $10 from dues collected BOD meeting, Idaho Press check for $105 balance $280.22
Secretary-Andrea Egan read minutes from July
PFA Council Reports:
Fundraisers-Christine Plummer- Kick off fundraiser, Boise Best, Sept 22nd, forms need turned in Oct 6th, Oct 9th will give forms to company, Oct 30th pick up product 3:30 to 6pm. Prizes- every child who participates (sells or donation) will get to choose a prize, 5 items sold- student gets a pizza party during lunch, 10 items sold -student get a gift card to Dairy Queen for $10, 25 items sold- student gets $25 gift card to Target, 50 items sold- student gets $50 Target Card, 75 items sold-student gets $75 gift card to Target, 100 items sold-student gets $100 gift card to Best Buy,
Coupon/Business Directory Book -Addy Cagle- Not enough responses to put together a book. Advertising will be on the website and newsletter, or flyers, cost will be less to businesses. More details to follow.
Get Acquainted Night (September 3, 2009 6:30-8pm) -Pam Kruck/Jody Luke- fans to advertise our name and get the organizations name out. Ice cream will be sold for $1. 4 different varieties of ice cream will be available that night. Schwan’s will provide everything for the booth. Water bottles will also be available for sale at $1 each.
Window Decals -Addy Cagle/Jody Luke/Sabrina Orihuela- NCA window decals, will put on web store, white, blue, burgundy colors, some will be the crest and bumper sticker prices, $5 and $8, sports ones will be available as sports are added.
Grant Committee-Milk Cooler- JoLynn Morriss- got the grant from United Dairyman’s. This will allow the school to provide milk to students at a very cheap rate.
Lunches-Holle McRae- There is a local deli that makes everything from scratch. They have agreed to have a catered lunch available, delivered to school each day, more details to come, might be several weeks.
Old Business:
T-shirt by JoLynn Morriss- Sample shirts will be available Sept 3rd to view. Orders will be taken at events, or on website through paypal, prices will be $10 and $11.50.
*Election of New Presidency-Amber Gunnell/Christine Plummer
President-Amber Gunnell- nominate last month, wait until after presidency has been voted in on Wednesday, (President voted in on 9/2/09 unanimous)
Vice President-Christine Plummer- nominated last month, unanimous voting
Treasurer-Julie Gilster- Andrea Egan nominated, Holle 2nd, unanimous voting (Julie will be added to checking account as approved signer).
Secretary-JoLynn Morriss- nominated last month, unanimous voting
Parent Representative- Holle McRae- Holle nominated self, Andrea Egan 2nd, unanimous voting
Ad in Press Tribune for Music Volunteers/Instruments-Addy Cagle- Per Mr. Marvosh, Ad had some response, but not a lot. Most calls were for volunteering, not to many on instruments. Still need help with instruction and instruments, ran the ad for free for 1 week due to Addy’s contact at Idaho Press. Thank you letter will be sent out.
New Business:
* Vote on Bylaws and Standing Rules-Amber Gunnell-- wait until Sept Meeting,
PFA Book-JoLynn Morriss- book was shown to parents and will be present at all PFA functions.
Curriculum/Board of Directors- Isaac Moffett- unable to attend due to legal actions being taken, letter from Chairman asking Mr. Moffett not to attend tonight.
Capital Educators Grants/Walmart grants for teachers/music department- Amber Gunnell and Erin Taylor (Kaleidoscope Art Program) reported that these grants are available for teachers to apply for. She has been working to get the music department a grant to help with instruments.
Box tops/ Campbell’s Labels- Michelle Rollins, Piper Skogland- Capri suns, Piper will have boxes placed in each room to collect Capri suns. Teachers can collect box tops and Campbell’s soup labels in the classroom. Boxes/Coffee cans will be placed in rooms once available.
Adjourned- 8:18pm
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Library Needs Help
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Chairman Update
There have been many questions coming into the Academy concerning drop off and pick up and the procedures in doing so.
Yes there is way to drop off and pick up students. We will have aids directing the first few days. Parents will need to enter the parking lot on the east side and turn left into the parking lot. Drive all the way around to the west side of the property (next to the 3rd & 5th grade portables. Drop off and pick up students along the curb and then exit straight ahead. NOTE: The front and east sides along the curb are for busses.
**Remember, busses have the right of way. Please stay out of their way and watch for children. The city does not want you stopping along the street and your child will not be allowed to meet you there. You will need to come in and follow the procedure. Remember to be patient and courteous to other drivers. Willow Creek Elementary, across from the street, starts later than we do, but ends at the same time.
Drop Off & Pick Up
Amber please post this on your PFA web site/group.
There have been many questions coming into the Academy concerning drop off and pick up and the procedures in doing so.
Yes there is way to drop off and pick up students. We will have aids directing the first few days. Parents will need to enter the parking lot on the east side and turn left into the parking lot. Drive all the way around to the west side of the property (next to the 3rd & 5th grade portables. Drop off and pick up students along the curb and then exit straight ahead. NOTE: The front and east sides along the curb are for busses.
**Remember, busses have the right of way. Please stay out of their way and watch for children. The city does not want you stopping along the street and your child will not be allowed to meet you there. You will need to come in and follow the procedure. Remember to be patient and courteous to other drivers. Willow Creek Elementary, across from the street, starts later than we do, but ends at the same time.
See you all on Tuesday!
Serving faithfully,
Isaac Moffett
Director of Operations & Founder
Nampa Classical Academy, Inc.
Petens Sapientiam, Libertatem Defendens
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Meet & Greet
- Minutemen Tshirt orders
- NCA & Minutemen vinyl decals
- ice cream!
- water bottles
From Mr. Harvey
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
This action will not impact our opening or our operations once open. This lawsuit has been filed in part so that we can operate in a legal manner, just like the rest of the Idaho schools, while this issue is being debated.
September 1, 2009 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Lawsuit filed after Idaho commission
bans all religious texts from curriculum
ADF attorneys sue on behalf of Nampa Classical Academy
after Idaho Public Charter School Commission threatens to revoke its charter
BOISE, Idaho — Alliance Defense Fund attorneys filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the Idaho Public Charter School Commission on behalf of Nampa Classical Academy, which was threatened with the revocation of its charter if it utilizes the Bible or any other religious documents or text as part of its curriculum resources. Despite the fact that numerous public schools throughout the state and country constitutionally allow the objective study of the Bible as an educational resource, the commission will immediately proceed to revoke its charter if the school does not remove the religious text from its curriculum.
Full news release, quotes, and related media resources available at the following link:
See pdf for NCAvG_COMPLAINT_w_signatures_and_exhibits_filestamped.pdf
1199K View Download