NCA Parent Faculty Association
Meeting Minutes
August 31, 2009 7p.m.
Location: United Methodist Church 5420 Southside Blvd. Nampa, ID
Called to order 7:16pm
Welcome & Thank You’s-Amber Gunnell Thank You’s too Jean Andrews and the Music Theater of Idaho for sports equipment donation, Andrea Egan and Mishawn Merrill for their hard work as founders.
Presidency Reports:
VP/Treasurer-Holle McRae
Bank Deposit- Deadline for opening a checking account is October 2nd, NCA will be getting $50 per account that is opened since we do not have our 501-c-3 status yet.
Bank of the West checking account is as follows: deposit of $175 for dues + $10 from dues collected BOD meeting, Idaho Press check for $105 balance $280.22
Secretary-Andrea Egan read minutes from July
PFA Council Reports:
Fundraisers-Christine Plummer- Kick off fundraiser, Boise Best, Sept 22nd, forms need turned in Oct 6th, Oct 9th will give forms to company, Oct 30th pick up product 3:30 to 6pm. Prizes- every child who participates (sells or donation) will get to choose a prize, 5 items sold- student gets a pizza party during lunch, 10 items sold -student get a gift card to Dairy Queen for $10, 25 items sold- student gets $25 gift card to Target, 50 items sold- student gets $50 Target Card, 75 items sold-student gets $75 gift card to Target, 100 items sold-student gets $100 gift card to Best Buy,
Coupon/Business Directory Book -Addy Cagle- Not enough responses to put together a book. Advertising will be on the website and newsletter, or flyers, cost will be less to businesses. More details to follow.
Get Acquainted Night (September 3, 2009 6:30-8pm) -Pam Kruck/Jody Luke- fans to advertise our name and get the organizations name out. Ice cream will be sold for $1. 4 different varieties of ice cream will be available that night. Schwan’s will provide everything for the booth. Water bottles will also be available for sale at $1 each.
Window Decals -Addy Cagle/Jody Luke/Sabrina Orihuela- NCA window decals, will put on web store, white, blue, burgundy colors, some will be the crest and bumper sticker prices, $5 and $8, sports ones will be available as sports are added.
Grant Committee-Milk Cooler- JoLynn Morriss- got the grant from United Dairyman’s. This will allow the school to provide milk to students at a very cheap rate.
Lunches-Holle McRae- There is a local deli that makes everything from scratch. They have agreed to have a catered lunch available, delivered to school each day, more details to come, might be several weeks.
Old Business:
T-shirt by JoLynn Morriss- Sample shirts will be available Sept 3rd to view. Orders will be taken at events, or on website through paypal, prices will be $10 and $11.50.
*Election of New Presidency-Amber Gunnell/Christine Plummer
President-Amber Gunnell- nominate last month, wait until after presidency has been voted in on Wednesday, (President voted in on 9/2/09 unanimous)
Vice President-Christine Plummer- nominated last month, unanimous voting
Treasurer-Julie Gilster- Andrea Egan nominated, Holle 2nd, unanimous voting (Julie will be added to checking account as approved signer).
Secretary-JoLynn Morriss- nominated last month, unanimous voting
Parent Representative- Holle McRae- Holle nominated self, Andrea Egan 2nd, unanimous voting
Ad in Press Tribune for Music Volunteers/Instruments-Addy Cagle- Per Mr. Marvosh, Ad had some response, but not a lot. Most calls were for volunteering, not to many on instruments. Still need help with instruction and instruments, ran the ad for free for 1 week due to Addy’s contact at Idaho Press. Thank you letter will be sent out.
New Business:
* Vote on Bylaws and Standing Rules-Amber Gunnell-- wait until Sept Meeting,
PFA Book-JoLynn Morriss- book was shown to parents and will be present at all PFA functions.
Curriculum/Board of Directors- Isaac Moffett- unable to attend due to legal actions being taken, letter from Chairman asking Mr. Moffett not to attend tonight.
Capital Educators Grants/Walmart grants for teachers/music department- Amber Gunnell and Erin Taylor (Kaleidoscope Art Program) reported that these grants are available for teachers to apply for. She has been working to get the music department a grant to help with instruments.
Box tops/ Campbell’s Labels- Michelle Rollins, Piper Skogland- Capri suns, Piper will have boxes placed in each room to collect Capri suns. Teachers can collect box tops and Campbell’s soup labels in the classroom. Boxes/Coffee cans will be placed in rooms once available.
Adjourned- 8:18pm