Wednesday, March 24, 2010
NCA PFA March 25th Agenda
NCA Parent Faculty Association
Meeting Agenda
March 25th, 2010 7p.m.
Location: Nampa Classical Academy 1701 Smith Ave, Nampa Idaho ROOM 8A
* Please note daycare will NOT be available.
Welcome & Thank You-Christine Plummer
Presidency Reports:
President-Christine Plummer
Treasurer-Julie Gilster
PFA Rep- Erin Taylor
PFA Council Reports:
Uniform Closet- Kristi Hendrickson
Old Business:
*Vote in Presidency for 2010-2011 school year- Erin Taylor
President- Christine Plummer
Vice Pres- vacant
Treasurer- vacant
Secretary- JoLynn Morriss
PFA Rep- Erin Taylor
New Business:
Teacher Request Forms
Ms. Handyside $135.00 Art Supplies
Mrs. Brincks $428.50 Classroom Books
Mr. Moffett $1000.00 Field Trip to Shoshone Ice Caves
Ms. Hayes $300.00 TV/VCR/DVD Combo
Ms. Tillotson $57.60 Curriculum
* Items requiring votes, in order to vote on items one must be a member of the PFA.