Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Agenda for Meeting

NCA Parent Faculty Association

Meeting Agenda

May 20th, 2010 7p.m.

Location: NCA rm.8A 1701 Smith Ave, Nampa ID 83607

Welcome & Thank You’s-Christine Plummer

President Report- Christine Plummer

New Business:

* Vote Treasurer Job Description-Julie Gilster

* Vote Tucker as Vice President- JoLynn Morriss

* Vote Kim Gilinski as Treasurer- JoLynn Morriss

Discuss who will be authorized on the bank account-Christine Plummer

* Discuss and vote excess funds to be given to NCA for “Save the Academy”

Discuss how parents can help with “Save the Academy-Isaac Moffett

* Items requiring votes, in order to vote on items one must be a member of the PFA.

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?