Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lottery Typo

Mr. Moffett alerted me of a typo.  Here is his response;

There is a typo in the charter and web site.  Siblings of current students have the 2ndpreference, founders children will have the 3rd preference.  Everything else is good.

Questions on Next Year's Lottery

A couple parents were wondering what will happen next year regarding the lottery.  This is copied from the NCA website and also reflects what is in the charter.

Priority of Preferences for Subsequent Enrollment Periods
The selection hierarchy with respect to admission preferences shall be as follows:
  1. First, to pupils returning to Nampa Classical Academy in the second or any subsequent year of operation. Returning students are automatically enrolled in the appropriate grade and do not need to be selected by a lottery. 
  2. Second, to children of founders and is limited to not more than ten percent (10%) of the capacity of Nampa Classical Academy. 
  3. Third, to siblings of pupils already enrolled in Nampa Classical Academy. 
  4. Fourth, to prospective students residing in the attendance area of Nampa Classical Academy. 
  5. Fifth, by lottery.

Idaho lawmakers still have ed bills on plate

BOISE, Idaho — After 108 days of meetings, Idaho lawmakers are considering a variety of education bills. It's sometimes easy to lose track of just what's still in play during the waning days of the 2009 Legislature.

Here's a primer on some of the latest action on public schools, a topic some say has been relegated to a political sidelight as leaders in the House and Senate and Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter fight over their gas-tax impasse.

"Education has become a pawn on the chess board," Sen. Diane Bilyeu, D-Pocatello, lamented. "It's just appalling."

Bills that had cleared both houses by Wednesday include:

- HB 256, which, when originally passed the House last month aimed to cut $4.2 million from public school transportation costs by eliminating money for academic field trip bus rides and by changing the formula urban school districts, such as Boise, use to be reimbursed by the state.

The bill was amended in the Senate to restore the field trip money, and budget writers this week approved shifting $4.2 million from textbooks to cover those costs.

Instead of the Boise district giving up money, auditors from public schools chief Tom Luna's office will ride school buses in the city this spring, to recommend ways the district can save money.

Otter hasn't signed the measure.

- HB 262 first sought to phase out over two years an incentive for teachers to retire early and free up jobs for younger, less-expensive teachers. It costs about $4 million a year to pay some 200 teachers who take early retirement with an average lump sum bonus of $18,000.

The bill also froze raises for teachers based on experience for a year, saving the state about $6 million in fiscal year 2010, which starts July 1. The experience pay freeze was preserved when the bill reached the Senate, but the plan to dump the early retirement incentive was cut.

Otter has not signed that measure, either. On Wednesday afternoon, the House Ways and Means Committee — a powerful committee that includes three House GOP leaders and meets at the House speaker's discretion — introduced a new bill to restore the phase-out. Tuesday, the House Education Committee had introduced a bill that would have retroactively eliminated the program.

Several education bills await action in the House or the Senate:

- HB 303 aimed to promote Internet education by dumping some "use it or lose it" rules governing state funding of teacher positions. When it passed the House on April 14, the measure would let districts shift 5 percent of their instructional funding to defray costs of virtual education, without threat of losing the money.

The Senate amended the bill to end such shifts after two years, after complaints that it made radical changes in schools without evidence that increased Internet courses benefit kids.

The bill remains on the Senate's amending calendar. Some senators want to allow some school districts to shift a total of $9.9 million from their maintenance funds to other programs, including buying supplies, as state funding shrinks during the recession.

The delay of the bill in the Senate prompted the emergence of HB 339, approved by the House Education Committee earlier this week. It also allows some school districts to shift a portion of their maintenance funds, but conflicts with changes the Senate made in the other education bills. For instance, it includes Luna's plan to do away with the early retirement program the Senate had restored in HB 262.

"Show me where else in state government where we offer employees an early retirement bonus," Luna said.

It also would allow districts to shift 5 percent of teacher funding to Internet courses, without the two-year sunset period the Senate added to HB 303.

Lobbyists for school districts, administrators and teachers - and some lawmakers - are scratching their heads about how the measures fit in when the Legislature is dominated by debate over Otter's transportation plan. Sen. Gary Schroeder, R-Moscow and a Senate education panel member, thinks the bills will be resolved quickly, once a roads deal is reached.

"It's just a distraction," Schroeder said Wednesday. "All these are interesting, but transportation is the big issue."

From the Statesman

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Waiting List

If you are not on our Chairman's google email group (announcement only) you may want to. Here is the waiting list he just posted. If you didn't get his email, it probably ended up in spam, but check it out

Here is his email

I have posted a page under our Google group that has the current waiting list. This is an unofficial list as the list is still changing daily due to students registering. I will update it frequently so it will be pretty close.
I want to encourage all of you to continue to tell others about our academy and have them apply. While there are quite a few on the waiting list for the earlier grades we need more students for the older grades. We still have open spots for the 7th and 8th grades with no waiting list.
To see the waiting list CLICK HERE
Kyle Borger
NCA Board of Directors
208-466-NCA1 (Academy Office)

Friday, April 24, 2009


I haven't had much time to report on the latest happenings due to the placement assessments. After two 12 hour days, I'm spent. 

But, I wanted to tell you all what a joy it is to work with your children so far. I think all the proctors would agree that despite the long hours, we sure love these kids, and love to see how well they are doing. Most all come in a bit nervous, but once they see that it's really pretty basic stuff, they relax. Many have commented to me (the little ones), "I'm smart, aren't I?" I just love that.

Listening in on the board meeting, I can tell you one thing so far. School will begin on the 25th of August.  They are so close to finalizing everything (most teacher positions are filled), and all the other little details are just inches away from being approved and set in motion. It's such a neat process to watch. Hang tight, there is so much more just around the bend!

As a PFA we received the go ahead and funds for processing our official paperwork. We are very excited that is finally in motion. It has taken awhile since we are starting a non-profit corporation. We have to make sure we follow all the rules in filing with the state and national government, and setting things up properly. We didn't want to make any mistakes.

Another wonderful thing happened, too! The Board is now showing the voting records of each board member whenever there is a vote that is not unanimous. Andrea (our PFA secretary) will also be keeping a copy of past board meeting minutes in a binder for anyone to view at our PFA meetings. This will give us all a record to view how the Board votes, along with the decisions made. As stakeholders in this Academy, it is our job to keep an eye on our Board to see if they are also following the Academy's vision and "The Greater Things in Life". Although we have complete confidence they will do so, this is an important step for the future of the Academy. We need to be caretakers of this Academy in a way, and do our part in upholding that original vision and mission.

And, thank you all for your patience during the assessments. It's a tough job with so many children. Those of us proctoring can't always be there every day either. We have kids to care for, and other obligations. None of us (including Mr. Moffett) quite new how big an undertaking this would be, so we appreciate your patience.

One last thing. Our social committee is planning some fun get-togethers this summer for the kids. Be on the look out for news regarding that.

Also, we have sign ups for the rummage sale on the sign in table at the assessments. Please look that over and let Sarah know if you plan to have a booth there. It's coming up fast! It will be so fun, and we'll be earning money for our kids uniforms!  She also has the Idaho Press Tribune sign ups for those wanting their subscription to benefit our Academy. 

Thanks everyone and have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I wanted to reiterate one more thing. Your questions and concerns are important for us to hear. We want to hear them. We just want to make sure we are going about it the right way.  

It's not a "normal" thing to have a discussion group for a school (that I know of).  Most things should be addressed in meetings if there are concerns. That way we can have a good group discussion with the right people present. Email is so easily misinterpreted, and reason why meetings are often more productive.

We ultimately want to make sure the google group is used for benefit of all, and serves it's purpose. Since we have lost so many people because of it, we felt something needed to be done. We need to make sure we have good lines of communication open, but we also don't want losing people because people get offended.

We just want things to go smoothly, and for people to enjoy our discussions, coordinate great events, and help people stay connected.

Please continue to ask questions, and let us know of your concerns. We'd like to address them in a way that benefits everyone.

Google Group Change

Dear Friends,

Today has been quite a day for email.  Many views have been expressed, and I've thoughtfully considered everything that has been shared.  I have also received numerous personal emails directly to me.

It seems we have a few parents very concerned over uniforms, some very concerned about emails that seem to have a negative slant, and some are concerned we are spending too much time debating board policy instead of PFA related subjects.  We are losing people from our PFA email list (this google group) who have strong feelings about all of these things.  This concerns me a great deal.  Losing parents from the PFA due to the google group, is the exact opposite of it's purpose.

The original intention of this email group was to connect parents for a common goal.  It was for all of us to grow closer together, stay connected to what is going on with the PFA, support the Academy as it grew, and become friends.  I feel that we have deviated from that to a certain degree.  I take the blame for this.  I didn't set the tone well enough I guess.  I also neglected to institute the proper channels to take care of problems, but still allow the positive flow of information.

I have taken my questions and concerns to the PFA Council and Presidency. I have also consulted with the Academy Board for counsel, and other friends within the PFA.  I have received excellent advice from all these sources.

For some time, as the Board, Faculty, and the PFA have navigated these new waters together, we have not known exactly how to handle every situation.  We are learning and changing (for the better I think), but realized we needed to more clearly define our purposes as a whole, and how we are inter-related.  After speaking with multiple people from the Board and Faculty of the Academy, we all feel we should each be handling issues related to our own expertise.  Board will handle policy issues, Faculty will handle Academy and Faculty issues, and the PFA will handle PFA issues.  We feel that it's not wise to be speaking in behalf of one another, because it leads to misinformation when there are many speakers and not one unified presentation.
We will be instituting a new procedure for how the google group will be utilized.  We will not be removing your ability to post freely.  This forum will always be in place for parents to connect with one another.  It's also helpful for all our committee leaders to communicate with the general membership.  We will, however, be turning on the moderation feature.  The PFA Presidency will be moderating posts.

We will follow this procedure for handling messages;
1.  All posts relating to issues other than what the PFA can directly address will be directed to the proper channel.
2.  Posts that may seem to have a negative slant, or may be perceived as inflammatory will be denied.  Anyone wanting to re-write the email will happily be accepted.
3.  Any person that has followed the proper channels in which to voice a grievance, and does not get the help they need, is free to email the PFA.  We will evaluate those, and do our best to help rectify the problem.  We will always do our best to listen objectively and assist in addressing concerns.  If the concern warrants PFA membership involvement, we will then take it to the PFA membership to discuss.  

Grievances also need to follow this procedure;
1.  All problems or concerns need to be addressed by the proper channels (Board - Board, Faculty - through the Faculty and Academy, and PFA - PFA).  
2.  Any person feeling they did not have their concern addressed through those channels is free to contact the PFA letting us know the situation and where they feel their concerns were not addressed.  Please remember to give Board and Faculty time gather the correct information when responding.  A day or two, in some cases, may not be sufficient.  A week or two is often helpful.
3.  We will then try address the concern as a Presidency, The PFA Council, and if necessary, as the PFA membership as a whole.  We will poll the members, schedule a private meeting, workshop, or informational session where needed.  If we cannot rectify the problem, and all the proper channels have been notified, and we feel the issue warrants an official PFA stance we will discuss it.  Before making any official stance as a PFA, we will require a majority vote.  We will follow our voting procedures for this situation.

Our purpose as a PFA is three-fold.  To support the Faculty and Board, to provide financial assistance where needed, and to give the parents and faculty a unified voice.  Until this time we have not been unified.  It has been random comments from parents.  The feedback I have received directly has been primarily positive.  The comments on the google group have often been grievances.  The majority of our parents are only hearing grievances, and aren't hearing all the wonderful comments people are making.  When we meet, and see each other at the different functions so far, it's been overwhelmingly positive.  We have a WONDERFUL parent  group!  I want you all to know that.

Since not everything is perfect and people still have questions or concerns, we don't want those going unanswered or unaddressed.  We will always be dedicated to helping.  

We do remind everyone of some important things, though;
  • It's helpful when you have a concern to bring to anyone in leadership that you also come with a helpful solution and a willingness to help solve it.
  • Come to leadership with an open mind, and leave emotion out of it where possible.
  • Allow time for the response.  Most any sort of official response requires correlation with many people before it can be addressed.  (I consult with the Presidency before making major changes or instituting policy - like this email).
  • Educate yourself.  Come to board meetings, executive committee meetings, PFA meetings, read the PFA blog, join the Chairman's email group, etc.  Most all grievances include misinformation.  If you do a little research, you can often clear up any fears or worries you may have.
  • Be kind.  Since we are all human, we get our feelings hurt.  Just because someone is in leadership, doesn't mean they don't get stressed, hurt feelings, or overwhelmed.  The old saying goes, "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar."  This rings true. We are always more quick to respond to those who are kind and helpful.  It's human nature.
  • Avoid gossip.  There is a difference between helpful discussion and gossip.  When a lot of hearsay, personal interpretation, or misinformation is shared it can easily turn into gossip.  This helps no one get questions answered.  If you direct your concerns to the right people, you can then make a decision for yourself based on truth.
  • Be patient.  Remember, we are parents, too.  We don't get paid (except faculty), and we are human.  We make mistakes, and we have the same concerns and feelings as you do.
  • Remember we do care, and want to do our best.  We all have the best of intentions, and need your support to do this big job.  Your words of encouragement help so much.

I know this was quite long, but felt it was time to share what we've been formulating and discussing the past couple weeks.  We hope this is helpful.  We also hope that we can continue the great work started by Mr. Moffett.  We are all in this together, and feel it's time we rally together, rather than become divided.  Let's not forget this great mission! Go Minute Men!

Amber Gunnell
President, Parent Faculty Association
Nampa Classical Academy

Monday, April 20, 2009

Meeting Canceled

Due to testing being all day & evening on the 30th of April, we will be canceling the PFA meeting for that night. We will have our normally scheduled meeting on May 28th at 7pm. We will however schedule any meetings necessary for PFA Council members as needed. Let me know if you have any questions.

Amber Gunnell
PFA President

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Testing Explanation

Mr. Moffett and I put together this explanation of the testing, after those who were asking questions.  We wanted everyone to feel comfortable, and take very seriously all your questions and concerns.

In regard to questions many of you have concerning placement testing, please be assured there is nothing secretive about the testing. We do want the testing to be non-rehearsed so the selections the students read are cold reads or not practiced. Each student will be asked to read a grade level selection. The selection will be timed and errors will be counted. Testing up or testing down will be determined based upon the objective data.  

The math test is oral for the first sections asking students to count orally and then a written test with the problems becoming increasingly more difficult. The language test is oral for the first three levels and then becomes a written test. 

Each placement test will give the academy a beginning point for student placement rather than students who are old enough for first grade being placed in that grade without their personal level taken into consideration. Our objective with the placement test is two-fold;

1. We would like to order the appropriate texts for the school, and 
2. A beginning point for instruction is required for planning on both the part of the staff and students. 

The series has built in assessment every five lessons which will quickly allow teachers to reassess any student that has been misplaced in the initial placement testing.   

In regards to parents being present during assessment, Direct Instruction trainers have informed us that based on 4 decades of research, parents being present during assessments creates more stress (and time) for the tester and for the child.  Pressure to perform is HUGE when parents are present.  Therefore, parents will not be allowed to sit with or be in the same room as their child during their assessment.  For the early grades, this time is very brief.  For those children who are not ready for this separation, if they are not able to complete the assessments, he or she will be placed in the lowest level for their grade and reassessed two weeks after school begins.  (All students are reassessed two weeks after school begins.)  Please understand, this is the way Direct Instruction works, and NCA is not going to deviate from their proven program.  In fact our charter prevents this.  

With that said we would like to add a few more comments. For those children who may be nervous about the testing, we can offer a little tidbit to help ease their (and parents) minds. 

1.  Accuracy is the most important thing in all the tests.  We will be timing some things, but remind your children not to worry about their timing.  They need to just relax, listen carefully to the directions and do their best.  I know a lot of public schooled kids will be used to rushing through things because of timers.  This is not the case here.  Timers are just a reference point for the Direct Instruction evaluators and the teachers to place the children correctly. 

2.  Remind them to think before they answer questions.  Again, accuracy is the most important.  They don't need to worry about saying anything "wrong,"  just remind them that we are only testing to see what they know. 

3.  They may be tested with other children in different grades.  Remind them to only worry about themselves, and not what is going on around them.  This is not a race.   

We hope this calms some of your concerns.  Proctors are trained to follow a proven script.  They are not allowed to deviate from it.  As the academy year begins you'll be able to see the logic in the way things are done.  You'll be grateful your children were given tests and curriculum tailored to their abilities and weaknesses.  The focus is mastery (85% not 60% like some districts), and being able to learn at the child's pace.  We think we'll all have a much clearer picture on what our children know and need work on through all of this.

Reminder for Tomorrow

This is a re-post and reminder for tomorrow.

Good morning everyone, 

We did well with the donated desk and file cabinet this week.  We have 
saved an estimated $30,000.  The good news, there are more desks among 
other items still available to us.  The next day we can get back in 
there is this Monday at 10 am.  If you can meet us in Boise and can 
provide manpower and or something to haul with, please email me ASAP 
so I can schedule the help and transportation.  Please let me know by 

Thank you, 


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Placement Testing

For anyone still needing to RSVP or any help with scheduling, please contact Carolina McArthur  She is working closely with Mr. Moffett to coordinate the testing.

Again, please remember to be patient during this process.  We are doing the best we can to juggle hundreds of children with only 10 proctors.  It will be a slow process, but well worth it.

These tests really aren't "tests."  They are more geared to see where any gaps may be in our children's knowledge.  They are just to create a knowledge base and find the right curriculum strand to fill the gap.  

The children will only be testing on Language Arts and Math.  This is very specific testing, and usually goes quickly for the younger kids.  The older children will take slightly longer.  After being trained to do the proctoring I'm thrilled my children are being tested.  I have the full conficidence this curriculum (Direct Instruction) will benefit not only my children, but all children.  

Please also remember to thank the proctors who have donated and will donate MANY HOURS to this process.  It's a big job!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Christine asked about the navy blue ties needed for dress days.  You can find those at TS Embroidery, large and small sizes.  TS Embroidery contact info is on the PFA website.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lands End Sale

Polos are on sale at Lands End, along with a few other items.  I am getting some myself for volunteering so I look like my kids!  Be careful though, there is a really cheap polo in kids sizes that is "deep burgundy" instead of "burgundy".  We are just the "burgundy" color from what I can tell. You can also tell them apart because all other uniform colors are burgundy. That particular polo is different. You can always call Lands End and ask, but just be sure to stay in the uniform section of the website.  You can order swatches of pretty much anything at Lands End.  I'm doing that so I have quick reference cards in my purse at all times.  Still, I plan to return any items that don't match the things I bought from TS Embroidery.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Testing & Proctors

All those who volunteered to proctor placement exams need to send a quick email to Carolina McArthur (our Volunteer Coordinator).  She will be organizing the schedule for volunteers and needs everyone's names and contact information. 

Anyone wanting to help, please do so. Mr Moffett does hope for a year committment, but this is not a "full time committment." Everyone will take turns and help according to their schedules, but the need to retrain people is the problem with people not being committed. Most shifts should be quick if we get enough help.

Also, we hope all parents are patient during these exams.  With just a few helpers, and hundreds of children, the likelihood of the exams being quick and painless is slim. Please be patient and work with all of us we get through this huge task.  Thank you!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chairman's News

I'm posting this one last time so everyone knows it is available.  Our Chairman has set up an announcement only google group to ensure everyone receives communication from him. Since many people are still saying they are not receiving emails (including his newsletters), he wanted to make sure everyone got the information they needed.  You can also view his past emails through the archives of that google group.  Here is the link, and I'll be posting this on our website and blog. Hope this helps!

Swatches & Tips

For requesting swatches from Lands End you need to go to the uniform section, click on the item you would like to buy, and then you can request the swatch right from that page.  I clicked on navy pants, and it gave me the option of the khaki and navy color.  Both of which match our Academy colors.  Here's the link

One other think I have noticed is, if you don't stay in the uniform section of the website, you do run the risk of getting the wrong color.  I almost did this, by clicking on a sale item.  

The other thing I noticed is that JCPenney has the uniform pants mixed in with the other dress slacks in the husky boys section (of all places) at the Garrity store.  All the more confusing for those of us learning the ropes.

Even ordering online we could end up getting an order that was filled incorrectly. What I have found to be the easiest are these things when shopping are;

1. Shop TS Embroidery first (she is so helpful, you can try things on, she's cheaper, and can order to fit most sizes).
2. Stay within the uniform section of all websites (don't get fooled by sale banners).
3. Keep a swatch with you at all times during these spring and summer months, so you don't miss a great sale.
4. Keep in mind that most all the stores only carry one brand in their uniform section.  
5. Don't stress too much, and keep receipts!  We'll get the hang of this soon!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Testing RSVP

If any of you had trouble opening the link from Isaac let me know.  I can send the original link so you can RSVP your 5th graders.  This is for registered children only at this point.  Thanks!

Friday, April 3, 2009

In Recovery

With Isaac's permission, we wanted to let you all know that he is in the hospital recovering from back surgery.  He's doing great, and recovering well, but asks that we all refrain from calling or emailing him until Tuesday. He needs a few days to recover.  Our Headmaster, and NCA Board are still free to answer any questions you may have.

Also, the NCA office will be closed Monday as well.

Thank you everyone!  And, to Isaac, best wishes on a speedy recovery!

Lands End Swatches

I requested swatches from Lands End only a couple days ago, and already got them in the mail. They are perfectly sized to put in your purse when shopping. The colors are right on, as well.

Kym, can you email me the new uniform policy and other info for the PFA website? Thanks!!!!!


Meeting Last Night

We had a great meeting last night. It went quite long due to all the things we presented and talked about, but was fantastic nonetheless.  

We got great information from Kym Slater about uniforms. Many questions were answered. We'll have lots more great info from her to put on our website. I'll let you all know when we get it up.  

We talked briefly how the uniform scholarship will work, and will have more information soon. We will be announcing some great fundraising efforts soon (once the dates get worked out). We should have our tax id number in the next couple weeks, and tax exempt status in a couple months. Things are moving forward.

We saw a great demonstration of the Promethean board, and audio enhancement technology for classrooms. This is something the Board and Headmaster may be considering for our Academy. They will be evaluating how this will fit within our mission and vision, curriculum, and our budget. 

We had most of our board members, our headmaster, and founder attend last night.  We appreciate their support, and all they do to put this Academy together!  

Exam mistake

If you have a 5th grader make sure you WAIT to RSVP their testing time.  There is a mistake. This is only for registered students.  All upper grades are 1 hour blocks not 1/2 hour.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Exam Proctor Training

All those who are interested in volunteering for exam proctoring need to come to a training session on April 14th & 15th from 8am - 5pm.  Exam times will vary, and shifts will be assigned.  This training will be the only "mandatory" stretch of time to attend.  All other shifts can be divided up and filled according to volunteer availablity.

Please direct any other questions to Mr. Moffett

Tonight's the Night!

We have a PFA Leadership Council meeting at 6pm, and then the general membership meeting at 7pm.  We'll be meeting at Pioneer Title on 10th ave (next to the Nampa library).

We'll be showcasing the amazing Promethean board, and an informative showcase of the uniforms with Q&A with the NCA Board.

Don't miss this!

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?