Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Google Group Change

Dear Friends,

Today has been quite a day for email.  Many views have been expressed, and I've thoughtfully considered everything that has been shared.  I have also received numerous personal emails directly to me.

It seems we have a few parents very concerned over uniforms, some very concerned about emails that seem to have a negative slant, and some are concerned we are spending too much time debating board policy instead of PFA related subjects.  We are losing people from our PFA email list (this google group) who have strong feelings about all of these things.  This concerns me a great deal.  Losing parents from the PFA due to the google group, is the exact opposite of it's purpose.

The original intention of this email group was to connect parents for a common goal.  It was for all of us to grow closer together, stay connected to what is going on with the PFA, support the Academy as it grew, and become friends.  I feel that we have deviated from that to a certain degree.  I take the blame for this.  I didn't set the tone well enough I guess.  I also neglected to institute the proper channels to take care of problems, but still allow the positive flow of information.

I have taken my questions and concerns to the PFA Council and Presidency. I have also consulted with the Academy Board for counsel, and other friends within the PFA.  I have received excellent advice from all these sources.

For some time, as the Board, Faculty, and the PFA have navigated these new waters together, we have not known exactly how to handle every situation.  We are learning and changing (for the better I think), but realized we needed to more clearly define our purposes as a whole, and how we are inter-related.  After speaking with multiple people from the Board and Faculty of the Academy, we all feel we should each be handling issues related to our own expertise.  Board will handle policy issues, Faculty will handle Academy and Faculty issues, and the PFA will handle PFA issues.  We feel that it's not wise to be speaking in behalf of one another, because it leads to misinformation when there are many speakers and not one unified presentation.
We will be instituting a new procedure for how the google group will be utilized.  We will not be removing your ability to post freely.  This forum will always be in place for parents to connect with one another.  It's also helpful for all our committee leaders to communicate with the general membership.  We will, however, be turning on the moderation feature.  The PFA Presidency will be moderating posts.

We will follow this procedure for handling messages;
1.  All posts relating to issues other than what the PFA can directly address will be directed to the proper channel.
2.  Posts that may seem to have a negative slant, or may be perceived as inflammatory will be denied.  Anyone wanting to re-write the email will happily be accepted.
3.  Any person that has followed the proper channels in which to voice a grievance, and does not get the help they need, is free to email the PFA.  We will evaluate those, and do our best to help rectify the problem.  We will always do our best to listen objectively and assist in addressing concerns.  If the concern warrants PFA membership involvement, we will then take it to the PFA membership to discuss.  

Grievances also need to follow this procedure;
1.  All problems or concerns need to be addressed by the proper channels (Board - Board, Faculty - through the Faculty and Academy, and PFA - PFA).  
2.  Any person feeling they did not have their concern addressed through those channels is free to contact the PFA letting us know the situation and where they feel their concerns were not addressed.  Please remember to give Board and Faculty time gather the correct information when responding.  A day or two, in some cases, may not be sufficient.  A week or two is often helpful.
3.  We will then try address the concern as a Presidency, The PFA Council, and if necessary, as the PFA membership as a whole.  We will poll the members, schedule a private meeting, workshop, or informational session where needed.  If we cannot rectify the problem, and all the proper channels have been notified, and we feel the issue warrants an official PFA stance we will discuss it.  Before making any official stance as a PFA, we will require a majority vote.  We will follow our voting procedures for this situation.

Our purpose as a PFA is three-fold.  To support the Faculty and Board, to provide financial assistance where needed, and to give the parents and faculty a unified voice.  Until this time we have not been unified.  It has been random comments from parents.  The feedback I have received directly has been primarily positive.  The comments on the google group have often been grievances.  The majority of our parents are only hearing grievances, and aren't hearing all the wonderful comments people are making.  When we meet, and see each other at the different functions so far, it's been overwhelmingly positive.  We have a WONDERFUL parent  group!  I want you all to know that.

Since not everything is perfect and people still have questions or concerns, we don't want those going unanswered or unaddressed.  We will always be dedicated to helping.  

We do remind everyone of some important things, though;
  • It's helpful when you have a concern to bring to anyone in leadership that you also come with a helpful solution and a willingness to help solve it.
  • Come to leadership with an open mind, and leave emotion out of it where possible.
  • Allow time for the response.  Most any sort of official response requires correlation with many people before it can be addressed.  (I consult with the Presidency before making major changes or instituting policy - like this email).
  • Educate yourself.  Come to board meetings, executive committee meetings, PFA meetings, read the PFA blog, join the Chairman's email group, etc.  Most all grievances include misinformation.  If you do a little research, you can often clear up any fears or worries you may have.
  • Be kind.  Since we are all human, we get our feelings hurt.  Just because someone is in leadership, doesn't mean they don't get stressed, hurt feelings, or overwhelmed.  The old saying goes, "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar."  This rings true. We are always more quick to respond to those who are kind and helpful.  It's human nature.
  • Avoid gossip.  There is a difference between helpful discussion and gossip.  When a lot of hearsay, personal interpretation, or misinformation is shared it can easily turn into gossip.  This helps no one get questions answered.  If you direct your concerns to the right people, you can then make a decision for yourself based on truth.
  • Be patient.  Remember, we are parents, too.  We don't get paid (except faculty), and we are human.  We make mistakes, and we have the same concerns and feelings as you do.
  • Remember we do care, and want to do our best.  We all have the best of intentions, and need your support to do this big job.  Your words of encouragement help so much.

I know this was quite long, but felt it was time to share what we've been formulating and discussing the past couple weeks.  We hope this is helpful.  We also hope that we can continue the great work started by Mr. Moffett.  We are all in this together, and feel it's time we rally together, rather than become divided.  Let's not forget this great mission! Go Minute Men!

Amber Gunnell
President, Parent Faculty Association
Nampa Classical Academy

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?