But, I wanted to tell you all what a joy it is to work with your children so far. I think all the proctors would agree that despite the long hours, we sure love these kids, and love to see how well they are doing. Most all come in a bit nervous, but once they see that it's really pretty basic stuff, they relax. Many have commented to me (the little ones), "I'm smart, aren't I?" I just love that.
Listening in on the board meeting, I can tell you one thing so far. School will begin on the 25th of August. They are so close to finalizing everything (most teacher positions are filled), and all the other little details are just inches away from being approved and set in motion. It's such a neat process to watch. Hang tight, there is so much more just around the bend!
As a PFA we received the go ahead and funds for processing our official paperwork. We are very excited that is finally in motion. It has taken awhile since we are starting a non-profit corporation. We have to make sure we follow all the rules in filing with the state and national government, and setting things up properly. We didn't want to make any mistakes.
Another wonderful thing happened, too! The Board is now showing the voting records of each board member whenever there is a vote that is not unanimous. Andrea (our PFA secretary) will also be keeping a copy of past board meeting minutes in a binder for anyone to view at our PFA meetings. This will give us all a record to view how the Board votes, along with the decisions made. As stakeholders in this Academy, it is our job to keep an eye on our Board to see if they are also following the Academy's vision and "The Greater Things in Life". Although we have complete confidence they will do so, this is an important step for the future of the Academy. We need to be caretakers of this Academy in a way, and do our part in upholding that original vision and mission.
And, thank you all for your patience during the assessments. It's a tough job with so many children. Those of us proctoring can't always be there every day either. We have kids to care for, and other obligations. None of us (including Mr. Moffett) quite new how big an undertaking this would be, so we appreciate your patience.
One last thing. Our social committee is planning some fun get-togethers this summer for the kids. Be on the look out for news regarding that.
Also, we have sign ups for the rummage sale on the sign in table at the assessments. Please look that over and let Sarah know if you plan to have a booth there. It's coming up fast! It will be so fun, and we'll be earning money for our kids uniforms! She also has the Idaho Press Tribune sign ups for those wanting their subscription to benefit our Academy.
Thanks everyone and have a wonderful weekend!