- All committees need more helpers.
- The Academy needs exam proctors.
- We need someone willing to organize and sell our t-shirts. (These will also be PE wear, so we need this in place before school starts.)
- We need someone to organize and run book fairs.
- We need a legislative representative.
- We need someone to take pictures at all our events (or multiple people willing to email photos).
- We need someone to organize and run our history/science fair.
- We need a public relations representative.
We are also putting together a governance structure (leadership tree) to show how things will work. We will hopefully have this finished and ready to present at our next meeting (April 2nd).
If you are hesitant to sign up for something because you are worried about the time and commitment level it will require, just remember that we will not do anything unless there is sufficient helpers involved to make it happen. If we don't have enough volunteers for something, the event won't take place. The PFA will serve our Academy and the children regardless, but to the extent we do things (on a larger scale) will depend on parental support. Our children will recieve as much or as little as the effort we put in. Our hope is to implement all the great ideas parents have, but we have to have willing helpers to carry them out.