One of the purposes of a parent group is to stay informed with what is going on in legislation. Our founder, Isaac, is also a huge proponent of being involved in the legislative aspect that affects education. Some of the questions we keep getting from parents are related to things that are directly affected by these education cuts, and the final decisions made by our lawmakers regarding stimulus money. We won't know about busing, field trips, teacher pay, or anything affecting our "bottom line" until this legislative session is over, and all the decisions are made regarding education funding. Everyone needs to realize that everything is up in the air until these bills are passed, final decisions are made, and the legislative season is over. Since the information is timely and directly affecting everything our faculty and board are doing right now, I am sending along these articles to keep us all informed.
I also thoroughly enjoyed attending the Education Summit and PTA Legislative Day this year. It was great meeting many of our lawmakers, and learning about all the aspects that go into public education. I feel I am doing my duty as a citizen to be involved in this process, and support those lawmakers that are making decisions on our behalf. These people really care about our children, and I also feel it is our duty to be informed so we can make better judgments when voting on issues, and keeping people in government that support school choice. Being involved in the legislative process also sets a good example to our children that we care about our country, their future, making a difference, and supporting the Constitution.
Anyway, the legislative season will soon be over, but I hope we all can continue to keep watch of what is going on in our government. Anyone who finds articles that directly affect education or our school, I ask for you to send them to the PFA! We would love to share these.