WASHINGTON, D.C. – Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna was
among the nation’s state superintendents who were addressed by
President Barack Obama at a meeting today in Washington, D.C.
Superintendent Luna, along with other superintendents, was expecting
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to address them, when
President Obama unexpectedly walked in the room.
The President made a surprise visit to the conference after giving a
bold speech to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on education
Superintendent Luna, who is attending the Council of Chief State
School Officers conference to learn more about federal stimulus
funding and how it will affect Idaho, was impressed by the President’s
comments and priorities for education including pay for performance,
raising academic standards and offering more choice.
“Right now, there are caps on how any charters schools are allowed in
some states….. That isn’t good for our children, our economy or our
country,” President Obama said.
“Quite frankly I was impressed by President Obama’s call for education
reform and his specific call for more choice in education and asking
states like Idaho, to remove the cap on public charter schools," Luna
Superintendent Luna, a supporter of school choice, added, “I have long
been a proponent for raising or eliminating the cap on public charter
schools in Idaho. There is a huge demand for choice, especially among
our most struggling student populations such as English language
learners and special education. I hope the Legislature can move
forward in a bi-partisan way to increase choice for all students. Like
the President said, limiting charter schools isn’t good for our
children, our economy or our country.”