Saturday, March 28, 2009

"NO" on S1148

I got this information from the Idaho PTA.  If you feel strongly about this, and want to have your voice heard, the information is below.  Idaho PTA's stance is "no" on S1148.  

Now is the time to contact your Legislators -
To All Idaho PTA Members:

Please Contact Your Legislators and 
Urge Them to Vote "NO" on S1148

Background: S1148 is the product of the Governor's Task Force on Alcohol Beverage Laws. The bill contains decreases in the penalties for individuals or establishments convicted of furnishings alcoholic beverages to minors. Idaho PTA has resolved to support legislation that increases penalties for furnishing alcohol to minors.

Talking points: One of the purposes of Idaho PTA is to secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth including laws pertaining to furnishing alcohol to minors. Alcohol use by persons under age 21 has been identified as a major public health problem. License holders as well as clerks/servers must be responsible and accountable for any sales of alcoholic beverages.
Idaho PTA does not support Senate bill 1148 as it reduces the penalties
for license holders.

How to contact your legislature: Go to the following link to contact your legislators

The complete bill can be found here:

PFA Calendar

Which would you prefer regarding the moderation of the google group? PFA blog posts will still be posted on the google group either way, but it's up to parents how much involvment you'd like the PFA to have in moderating.

What would you like our Art Program to be named?